The Department of Managed Health Care will be reviewing Anthem's proposed acquisition of Cigna. While Cigna's footprint is small in California, it continues the rapid consolidation of the health insurance industry.
In addition, Sen. Ben Allen's SB 888 is the latest bill to come in the aftermath of the horrific Aliso Canyon leak. The bill would require that all housing, relocation and emergency response costs resulting from the leak be paid from utility profits, and not passed along to ratepayers. The same requirement would apply to costs for mitigating the greenhouse gas emissions.
Read those details and more, below.
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
9:30 a.m.
John L. Burton Hearing Room (4203)
S.B.No. 888 Allen. Gas corporations: emergency management.
S.B.No. 937 McGuire. Disaster relief: County of Lake: fires. (Urgency)
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Assembly Utilities And Commerce
GATTO, Chair
1:30 p.m. - State Capitol, Room 126
SUBJECT: Annual Report of the California Public Utilities Commission and the Office of Ratepayer Advocates
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