
Jerry Brown's Beijing Fling With Fossil Fuel Industry Contributors

While in Beijing last month, Gov. Jerry Brown publicly promoted the fight against climate change. Just as important was the quiet attendance of AES, a major builder of fossil-fuel power plants in California.

Was the governor making plans to cut greenhouse-gas emissions, or was he making deals to build more climate-warming natural gas plants? Unfortunately, California’s transparency laws don’t ensure the disclosure of such backroom conversations.

Jerry Brown's Cap-And-Trade Is Really Pollute-And-Profit

Governor Jerry Brown made an impassioned plea today that Senators pass AB 398—his signature legislation to extend the state’s cap-and-trade program, saying: “This is the most important vote of your life.” He is right about that. 

Lawmakers Defend Sex-Abusing, Drug-Addicted, Criminal Doctors

A shameless act of pandering to a well-heeled special interest by members of a state Assembly committee on Tuesday will end up protecting sex abusing, drug addicted and criminally convicted doctors.

Jerry Brown's Cap-and-Trade Bill Would Exempt Refineries From Air Pollution Regulation

Documents obtained by Capitol Watchdog reveal that Governor Jerry Brown is shopping cap and trade bill language directly from Big Oil's Power Point playbook to exempt refineries from air pollution regulation.

Brown has handed Big Oil a pen to rewrite the law so that it protects refiners from making deep cuts to climate-warming emissions. The legislation blocks powerful Air Districts in the Bay Area and Los Angeles Basin from setting tough limits on emissions, like requiring refineries to install pollution control equipment.

Blackout Blackmail: Utilities Cry Shortage As Energy Glut Is Exposed

Last week, the traffic cop for the state’s electric grid, the California Independent System Operator (CAISO), issued its first “Flex Alert” of the summer in the face of rising temperatures. CAISO urged the public to turn off unneeded lights, do laundry off peak and set the thermostat high on June 20 and June 21 "to help avoid power outages" as consumption stressed the grid. 


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