What’s Behind The Sundown Showdown Over Natural Gas Drilling At Porter Ranch In Assembly?

 Today So Cal Gas, and other proponents of the aging natural gas storage infrastructure, face off against Senator Pavley’s proposed moratorium on natural gas drilling at a very- late-in-the-day hearing in the Assembly Utilities Committee ( 3 PM start  for SB 380 and other bills).  It’s hardly a made-for-media moment, scheduled post-newspaper print deadline.  And Pavley’s enemies have not shown their true faces, but their powerful grip has been felt.

Stonewalling PUC Hides Jerry Brown's Involvement in Failed San Onofre Deal

Now we know why Gov. Jerry Brown killed a key piece of legislation that would have forced more public disclosure at the state's powerful utilities commission: He was protecting himself. This shouldn't come as a surprise, because as we saw with Mapgate, the governor often tries to carefully avoid transparency. 


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