Study: CA Prescription Drug Database Can Prevent Drug Overdose Deaths

As mounting evidence and support shows, if California lawmakers want to help end the prescription drug epidemic, they should mandate that doctors use the state's online prescription drug database. The latest evidence in support is a new study from two San Diego doctors.

Will Convicted CA Dirty Doctor's Long Sentence Help End Opioid Crisis?

Though it has been six years since she was caught, the California poster child for dirty doctors, and how they contribute to America's Opioid crisis, has finally and justly been sentenced to a long prison term. 

What Do Hillary Clinton and Chris Christie Agree On That Sacramento Still Won't Do?

The prescription drug abuse epidemic has vaulted into the national presidential debate, most recently this week with a Hillary Clinton op-ed in the New Hampshire Union Leader. Clinton wrote about combating addiction, and called for a requirement that health care providers consult a prescription drug monitoring database before prescribing controlled substances.

How Far Will Legislature Go in Fight Against Prescription Abuse?

An August hearing on how to end prescription drug abuse looms as the Legislature seeks new ways to stop the epidemic. 

California Senate Approves Mandatory Check of Prescription Drug Database

Today, the California State Senate approved legislation to require doctors to check a state prescription database before prescribing the most addictive medications to help prevent prescription drug addiction and thousands of overdose deaths.

CURES Drug Database Bill Passes Out Of CA Senate

Consumer Watchdog President Jamie Court talks with Norman Goldman on his radio show about the news that the California State Senate approved legislation SB 482 to require doctors to check a state prescription database before prescribing the most addictive medications to help prevent prescription drug addiction and thousands of overdose deaths.


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