Governor Jerry Brown

Fossil Fuel Electric Plant Developers Fund Brown’s Beijing Fling

Consumer Watchdog today called on the Public Utilities Commission to require disclosure of any communications about new, unnecessary natural gas-fired power plants in Southern California made during Governor Jerry Brown’s recent trip to Beijing to tout clean energy. The trip, during which energy company executives had intimate access to the governor and energy regulators, shows the need for greater transparency around power plant decision-making.

Blackout Blackmail: Utilities Cry Shortage As Energy Glut Is Exposed

Last week, the traffic cop for the state’s electric grid, the California Independent System Operator (CAISO), issued its first “Flex Alert” of the summer in the face of rising temperatures. CAISO urged the public to turn off unneeded lights, do laundry off peak and set the thermostat high on June 20 and June 21 "to help avoid power outages" as consumption stressed the grid. 

Backlash Against Fossil Fuel Electricity Turning Into Movement

The exposure of massive overcapacity built into California’s electric plants, approved by a corrupt Public Utilities Commission (PUC) at ratepayers’ expense, is driving a new backlash against natural gas powered electricity plants in Oxnard, as well as possibly Huntington Beach, Los Alamitos, and LA Department of Water and Power plants too.

Will Governor Brown Respond To Jane Fowler’s Plea To Shutter Aliso Canyon?

Jane Fowler is asking Jerry Brown to shut down the Aliso Canyon natural gas storage facility permanently. She lives just a little over a mile away from the facility that she says has given her nosebleeds, nausea, and a host of other symptoms. She started feeling sick weeks before Southern California Gas ever admitted there was a massive well blow out at the facility. After a seven-month hiatus from her home, she returned only to find her symptoms back again.

Brown Stacks CPUC With Confidant Who Did Wet Work For Oil Industry In Firing Tough Oil Well Regulators

Governor Jerry Brown appointed Cliff Rechtschaffen as a Commissioner to the scandal-plagued Public Utilities Commission, along with another current Brown staffer, Martha Guzman Aceves. This gives Brown power for the next six years over the PUC, even though he will be leaving office in two.
It's a deeply troubling appointment given Rechtschaffen's role in carrying out the demands of the oil industry in the firing of two tough wellhead regulators at the Department of Conservation and Department of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources (DOGGR) in 2011.  

New Report Suggests Brown Administration Covering Up Health Risks At Aliso Canyon

Is Aliso Canyon the new Love Canal?

Today's LA Times bombshell, a report by Ivan Penn that families have been sick for years from the leak of a natural gas additive in a small Alabama town, raises troubling questions of why Governor Brown's Administration and LA health officials have denied any significant health impacts could occur from Aliso Canyon's methane leak.


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