California Hospital Association

The Messy And Public Breakup of Dave Regan And the Hospital Industry

Capitol Watchdog has been closely following the disintegration of the corporate collaboration between Dave Regan, president of Service Employees Int

Reducing Drug Prices Proposal Could Pit Well-Funded Healthcare Players Against Each Other

The AIDS Healthcare Foundation's proposed measure to reduce prescription drug prices in California is simple enough: Require the state to negotiate prices just like the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs does. Proponents say it will lower costs for state programs, potentially save taxpayers millions and ease rising medical costs for the most vulnerable. 

Death Rattle for Corporate Collaborator? SEIU's Corporate Collusion With Hospitals May Collapse

Word on the street is that union President Dave Regan's Faustian bargain with the California hospital industry -- cuddle up with hospitals' management to keep patient problems quiet and receive more than 60,000 new hospital workers -- is now teetering on the brink of collapse. Apparently Regan shut up, but the hospitals didn't put up the new workers. Good riddance. 

SEIU-UHW's Dave Regan Discusses Secret Deal with California Hospital Association



If you want to read a story about the issue, read the Los Angeles Times' story here. 

Cushy Corporate Alliances Don't Cushion Downfall of Top SEIU Official

In the labor movement, there are two kinds of leaders -- those who fight big corporations, and those who collaborate with them. The poster child for the collaborators just had half his membership taken away.

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