
Is PG&E Snooping On Consumer Watchdog?

Throughout 2016, Consumer Watchdog has been breaking news stories about inappropriate relationships between PG&E, state regulators, and the Governor’s office. Now it seems as though PG&E may be conducting espionage on Consumer Watchdog.

Consumer Watchdog recently got a call that an employee of ‘crisis management’ firm G.F.Bunting+Co was contacting our associates and asking questions about us.

Research revealed that they may be acting on behalf of PG&E, or their allies in state politics.

New Report Suggests Brown Administration Covering Up Health Risks At Aliso Canyon

Is Aliso Canyon the new Love Canal?

Today's LA Times bombshell, a report by Ivan Penn that families have been sick for years from the leak of a natural gas additive in a small Alabama town, raises troubling questions of why Governor Brown's Administration and LA health officials have denied any significant health impacts could occur from Aliso Canyon's methane leak.

EpiPen Moms Speak Out For CA Prop 61 And Against Drug Company Price Gouging

News that Mylan must pay $465 million to the US government for overcharging Medicaid for the EpiPen is the poster child for why Californians need Proposition 61. That’s why EpiPen moms and kids spoke out this week for the ballot measure, saying it would save lives. They warned Californians against deceptive drug company advertising against Prop 61.

Wanted: Court To Block Building Of LA Basin Power Plants We Don’t Need

If no one ever explained this, Californians might want to know that the California Public Utilities Commission has constitutional status. The PUC is where the buck stops on regulation of investor-owned utilities, so what it says goes—even when the billion-dollar projects it approves are needless and destructive of the environment. 

Kaiser Family Foundation Gives Stage to Opponents of Prop 61's Drug Pricing Reform

What do supporters of drug price negotiation have to say when the pharmaceutical industry tries to shoot down drug pricing reforms?

You'd never know if you were watching Tuesday's webcast on prescription drugs and “Election-Cycle Proposals for Lowering Costs” hosted by the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) charity, which runs the nonprofit news service Kaiser Health News.


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