
California Committee Looking At High Gas Prices Sets Its Sights on Market Power

The Energy Commission committee charged with finding a solution for California’s high gas prices has sometimes been a hostile place for consumers over the last year and a half. At Tuesday's meeting, that changed. The Air Resources Board, NRDC, four members of the committee, and even oil trader Vitol SA echoed Consumer Watchdog to question refiners' market power and lack of transparency for price spikes.

Brown's Dirty Hands Plus One

 As the Los Angeles Times just reported, the oil industry is not only behind a request from Assemblymember Adam Gray and a dozen other lawmakers to audit the Air Resources Board, at the forefront of state efforts against global warming, but wrote the request for Gray. 

Brown's Dirty Hands

Governor Brown has traveled the world speaking out against climate change. But an exhaustive review of his Administration's actions shows they've often helped oil, gas and utility companies at the expense of the environment and the consumer, and that contributions from the companies often followed.

VIDEO: Brown's Dirty Hands

Governor Brown has walked the world speaking out against climate change. But an exhaustive review of his Administration's actions shows they've often helped oil, gas and utility companies at the expense of the environment and the consumer, and that contributions from the companies often followed.

Why the Legislature Likely Saw the Regional Grid as Déjà Vu All Over Again

In 2002 I stood up in front of the U.S. Senate Energy Committee and presented reasons why Enron had caused the so called “California Energy Crisis.”  I was alone that day on a panel of senior regulators and energy officials.  My picture in the New York Times the next day captured the puzzled looks of my more important panelists as I failed to support the consensus that nothing was wrong.  


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