
State Lawmaker's Client List at Law Firm Undisclosed

Clients of state Senator Robert Hertzberg, who has a second job a Los Angeles law firm, remain undisclosed despite the fact that he proposed a major overhaul of the state’s tax laws that could benefit some corporations at the expense of other industries. 

A Form 700 Statement of Economic Interests filed by Senator Hertzberg in March of 2014 is out of date, disclosing his former firm and containing no client list

Will State Officials Racing For Boxer's Seat Be Bold or Weaker?

The announcement by Senator Boxer, a true champion of the underdog (watch her Rage for Justice speech), that she will not run for the Senate in 2016 will likely make a lot of other state officials rethink how they do their jobs. It's a lot like the moves you make playing musical chairs to make sure the music doesn't run out without you getting a seat.

California Officials Ready to Spank Oil Companies

I have been watching oil companies get away with price gouging for so many years that it was refreshing to see California's top political leaders let the oil companies know that they're going to be on the hot seat if they try to undermine California's landmark environmental laws taking effect in January.

CA Medical Board Must Investigate Drug Company Payments to Doctors Prescribing Psychiatric Drugs To Foster Children

Following a report that prescription drug manufacturers have paid or spent more than $14 million to doctors who prescribe drugs to children in California’s foster care system, Consumer Watchdog called on the California Medical Board to expand an investigation into doctors who prescribed dangerous and unapproved psychotropic medications to children.


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