Heading to Sacramento Wednesday to testify on California’s outrageous gasoline price spikes, I was looking for context to explain the $10 billion extra California drivers paid for their gasoline in 2015 compared to US drivers. Then I read the Star Wars series made $4.4 billion worldwide.
An oil oligopoly, anchored by four California oil refiners, that control 78% of the gasoline market, raked in more extra dollars at the pump in one year than one of the most successful movie franchises in history.
As Governor Brown and legislative leaders try to spur climate change reforms worldwide in Paris, the Los Angeles Times’ energy reporter Ivan Penn uncovered how the statehouse’s climate reform stuck it to rooftop solar power homeowners in favor of the big utilities.
The cautionary tale for Paris reformers is cleaner energy needs also to be cheaper energy and ratepayers shouldn’t be taken for a ride in the process or it will undermine the movement to curb global warming.
Why is everyone fixated on a $34 bathroom scale and Governor Jerry Brown’s move to the newly-renovated governor’s mansion when there are far more dollars at stake in the Governor's handling of the Public Utilities Commission?
Being at the California Energy Commission to testify about how California oil refiners manipulated prices at the pump Tuesday was like prosecuting a case against a defendant who refused to show.