
FPPC Investigation Shows McFadden Concealed Three More Years of PG&E Stock Option Ownership

California's Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) has opened an investigation into Nancy McFadden’s failure to report the dates and times of stock sales in PG&E, her former employer, where she held hundreds of thousands of dollars in stock options she took with her when she became Governor Brown's top aide.  

Jerry Brown's Exide Chutzpah

UPDATE, March 31, 2016 -- Governor Brown has now rescinded his exemption of the Exide lead cleanup from the state's signature environmental law, CEQA. He reversed himself only under intense pubilc scrutiny of the administration's handling of the Exide cleanup.

Governor's Top Aide Needs To Prove Recusal Or Go

California public officials are not allowed to participate in decisions in their public office when they have an financial interest in the outcome.  Evidence uncovered  in wake of the PUC public corruption scandal fingers Governor's Brown top aide, Nancy McFadden, for doing just that.

What’s Behind The Sundown Showdown Over Natural Gas Drilling At Porter Ranch In Assembly?

 Today So Cal Gas, and other proponents of the aging natural gas storage infrastructure, face off against Senator Pavley’s proposed moratorium on natural gas drilling at a very- late-in-the-day hearing in the Assembly Utilities Committee ( 3 PM start  for SB 380 and other bills).  It’s hardly a made-for-media moment, scheduled post-newspaper print deadline.  And Pavley’s enemies have not shown their true faces, but their powerful grip has been felt.

Brown's Probation Initiative Gut-and-Amend

Governor Jerry Brown's use of the new “Ballot Initiative Transparency Act” has made the citizen initiative process look more like legislative sausage-making.  

Toxics Regulator’s Negligence Leaves Californians Paying For Exide Cleanup

Governor Jerry Brown’s announcement that the state will spend $176.6 million to clean up a wide swath of East Los Angeles in the wake of Exide Technologies’ decades-long lead contamination is a major victory for the people who live near the shuttered lead battery recycler.


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