Memo to the California PUC: You can’t run, and you can’t hide. If you are involved in a criminal conspiracy to defraud ratepayers, or other corruption, your emails are public records that should be out in the open.
The president of the California Public Utilities Commission secretly meets in a Warsaw hotel room with a Southern California Edison executive and eventually ratepayers wind up paying 70 percent of the $4.7 billion tab to shutter the defective San Onofre nuclear power plant. Does that president sound like Michael Peevey, now under criminal investigation for alleged ex-parte communications, obstruction of justice, and other transgressions?
Will a fast moving legal case end a $10 billion tax dodge by the state's largest health insurance companies? The four companies are not happy, but the state should be.
For California, 2015 was the year of the price spike. Could 2016 be the year of courage?
A year ago, Consumer Watchdog warned that the oil industry would use 2015 to raise gas prices for huge profits and to push its political agenda. Predictably, the industry obscenely raised prices, making 2015 a record year for California gas prices compared to the national average. In Los Angeles, consumers are still paying over a dollar more than the rest of the nation.
Over in Paris, other countries think California and its leader, Governor Jerry Brown, have it nailed on stopping climate change. Earlier this year, in Sacramento, Chistiana Figueres, the top United Nations official on the climate talks, put it like this: “The world is committed, but they don’t know how. California has figured out how.”
As Governor Brown and legislative leaders try to spur climate change reforms worldwide in Paris, the Los Angeles Times’ energy reporter Ivan Penn uncovered how the statehouse’s climate reform stuck it to rooftop solar power homeowners in favor of the big utilities.
The cautionary tale for Paris reformers is cleaner energy needs also to be cheaper energy and ratepayers shouldn’t be taken for a ride in the process or it will undermine the movement to curb global warming.