
Drink, Drugs and Disclosure Day For Doctors

Monday is Drink, Drugs and Disclosure Day for doctors in Sacramento when three major patient safety bills are scheduled to be heard in the Senate Business & Professions committee.

The common theme is oversight and transparency for doctors. Will the Senate require openness and accountability from the medical community, especially when drugs and alcohol are involved?

California Medical Association Stands Alone Against Prescription Drug Reform

The California Medical Association should get over its reactionary opposition to reform that would curb the prescription opioid and heroin overdose epidemic.

Yesterday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued new painkiller prescription guidelines recommending that doctors check state prescription drug databases before prescribing opioids to a patient. This simple tool has been proven to reduce overprescribing, but only when doctors are required to use it.

Robot Car Crashes Into Bus, Legislator Wants To Allow Robot Buses?

A robot car just sideswiped a bus, now an Assembly member wants to create 20 ton robot buses that don't have drivers to takeover in case of trouble?

Health Insurers Lose Silent Round In Medi-Cal Deal

California taxpayers dodged a bullet yesterday with the passage of a high-stakes bill to help fund Medi-Cal.

Legislative Democrats and nearly a dozen Republicans approved a plan to trade existing taxes for a new tax on insurers to raise more than $1 billion in needed health care funding and preserve federal Medi-Cal matching funds.

Capitol Watchdog: Upcoming Meetings to Watch

The Department of Managed Health Care will be reviewing Anthem's proposed acquisition of Cigna. While Cigna's footprint is small in California, it continues the rapid consolidation of the health insurance industry.

What’s Behind The Sundown Showdown Over Natural Gas Drilling At Porter Ranch In Assembly?

 Today So Cal Gas, and other proponents of the aging natural gas storage infrastructure, face off against Senator Pavley’s proposed moratorium on natural gas drilling at a very- late-in-the-day hearing in the Assembly Utilities Committee ( 3 PM start  for SB 380 and other bills).  It’s hardly a made-for-media moment, scheduled post-newspaper print deadline.  And Pavley’s enemies have not shown their true faces, but their powerful grip has been felt.


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