Revolving Door

Kaiser Gets Away with Hiring Regulator Who Worked on Mental Health Failure

If Kaiser Permanente can't evade the state's scrutiny into its mental health fiasco, it will just buy the regulators doing the scrutiny. And get away with it when caught. 

On Thursday, the Fair Political Practicies Commission approved a fine for a state official who was involved in the 2012 audit of Kaiser's mental health plan and then a month later started at the HMO and worked on responding to the survey.

Attorney General Asked To Investigate Health Insurance Executives Embroiled In No-Bid Contract Scandal At Covered California, Industry’s So-Called “Independent Commission”

In response to the Associated Press’s disclosure of unusual no-bid contracts between California’s insurance exchange Covered California and well-connected insurance executives, Consumer Watchdog called upon the Attorney General of California to launch an independent investigation of various contracts at the agency with industry insiders.

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