Will the Real California Electorate Stand Up to be Counted?

Conferences usually start out with where we are, before jumping to where we need to go. But at the Future of California Elections Conference in Los Angeles, no one even had to mention the problem. 2014’s record-low voter turnout is all democracy advocates have thought about for the last year and a half.

DMV Should Take Google's License If It Refuses to Release Car Crash Videos

We now know a little bit more more about the Valentine’s Day crash of a Google self-driving robot car into a transit bus, but not because of anything Google or the Department of Motor Vehicles did.  That needs to change.

Study: CA Prescription Drug Database Can Prevent Drug Overdose Deaths

As mounting evidence and support shows, if California lawmakers want to help end the prescription drug epidemic, they should mandate that doctors use the state's online prescription drug database. The latest evidence in support is a new study from two San Diego doctors.

Capitol Watchdog: Upcoming Meetings to Watch

Two Aliso Canyon leak-related bills, one to be heard in the Assembly Natural Resources and the other in Assembly Judiciary, have surfaced. The first would increase the time for anyone adversely affected by the blowout to file a lawsuit and the other asks for a natural gas injection and storage study.

Will CA Regulators Protect Anthem And Cigna Or Consumers?

Considering Anthem and Cigna's past behavior, California consumers better prepare themselves for the worst if state regulators don't do the right thing on their proposed merger. 

Perspective Needed At California Energy Commission

California has a summer blend of gasoline in order for cars to run more efficiently and cleaner in the warmer months. This year, refiners used their market power to raise prices after the switch took place in Los Angeles. The blend is marginally more expensive to make, but not by anywhere near what LA refiners are charging their gas stations for the new blend: 37 cents more.


Capitol Watchdog is owned and operated by nonprofit Consumer Watchdog. For more information about Consumer Watchdog visit http://www.consumerwatchdog.org