Jerry Brown

Big Oil Gives CA Energy Commission and Californians The Finger

Governor Brown appointed the California Energy Commission (CEC) Petroleum Market Advisory (PMAC) to look into potential market manipulation by oil refiners in the state.
That's going to be hard to do now that the trade association for oil refiners, the Western States Petroleum Association, is telling the CEC and PMAC it won't participate in any discussions about supply disruptions or gas price spikes. In other words, FU.

Big Privacy Victory As Gov. Brown Signs CalECPA

Californians won a major privacy victory today that catches protections up with modern technology.  Gov. Jerry Brown signed SB 178, the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act (CalECPA), into law.

It will require that law enforcement get a warrant before poking around in our digital records.  If the cops want to search your desk for letters and files, they need a warrant.  But who relies on paper files and letters these days?

New Evidence Of Exxon Cover-up Of Torrance Explosion

News hit the gasoline market in California today via the Los Angeles Times  that Exxon's Torrance refinery is not likely to get a waiver from air quality managment officials to restart anytime soon.

Volkswagen Scandal Shows Why Big Oil Wanted to Gut Air Resources Board

Big Oil wanted to gut the Air Resources Board during a major climate change legislative fight earlier this month, and this week, we had yet another glimpse of why.

Waiting for Governor Jerry Brown to Sign Bills Protecting Californians

The crowded hallways outside of the Legislature's chambers may now be empty but that doesn't mean the fervent lobbying to kill pending legislation is over. 

With more than 600 bills sitting at the governor's desk, we are keeping an eye on bills that protect privacy, healthcare, elections, consumer rights and the environment. Below are some of the bills we are watching:  

Big Oil Slick Captures Capitol

The power of California’s oil refiners is always felt but rarely visible in Sacramento.  It was on full display at Wednesday’s press conference when the Governor, State Senate leader and Assembly Speaker acknowledged that California's effort to lead the world by cutting petroleum use in half was dead for the year due to oil company lobbying and advertising.


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